Welcome to Mystery and Thriller Week
The website - Goodreads is honoring the mystery novel and thriller books, as this is Mystery and Thriller week. Like many of you, I...
Five ways to make sure you finish your book.
You started your book. Congratulations. Your idea is flowing and chapters are coming together. Again, congrats. You have taken the steps...
A goal reached. Check it out.
I have always enjoyed the journey when it came to learning new things. With that in mind, I learned how to edit on IMovie. After a few...
I've never done this before and...
I feel good about it. I have written a song. And, I have to say, a song about loss. The song was just finished and is part of the new...
Can you really taste the pages?
Food. We all have our favorite meals. You have your favorite restaurants. What about in books? In my first book, Murder by Deadline, a...
In case you were wondering
I am taking on a new role. Voice over talent. Now that I am out of television, I can direct all my attention on my books. Writing. I am a...
To be honest with you...
Not everyone can write. There, I said it. Just like I could never be a surgeon, airline pilot, catcher for the Miami Marlins or walk the...
The making of a book trailer
I have had this on my radar for a long time - shooting, editing, and posting a book trailer. First, there was a trailer idea for my book,...
Yes, I am setting my resolutions (goals) for 2017
I went back the past two years to see how I did on my New Year's resolutions. From what I can see, I did very well. I met all the goals,...
Under construction: Writing the next book
I am a good ten thousand words into the next Frank Tower suspense thriller. Frank is a former police officer, now private investigator in...